It is To Laugh in Toronto

It is To Laugh in Toronto

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

got the swatch!

Dan sent a swatch of the sonic fabric in the mail for me to play around with. I've got to cannibalize a walkman or two and see if it works. Dan's off in Manhattan trying to get on TV or something, should be back tomorrow. Unless he gets hired of course...

The sonic fabric is sort of a "surprise" element of our performances, it promises to add an unpredictable random noise factor to the whole thing. I can deal with that, I guess. I'm trying my best to keep things under control, but I can already see them spinning out in wonderful, horrible new ways.

I've been spending mucho hours trying to prepare sound design for the scripts, which didn't really come together until last weekend. I've come to the realization that I'm never going to be able to do it cue by cue in the three days remaining, I just have to make sure I rip all the elements and have them on my computer -- will have plenty o'time to work on it once we get there, first rehearsal's not until Monday night.

Ok, that's the first post. I just didn't want to title it "first post," y'know?


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