It is To Laugh in Toronto

It is To Laugh in Toronto

Thursday, June 7, 2007

still working on it

Couldn't seem to touch it much the week I got home, but tried to catch up this past week -- mastering Osama, doing a 30-minute edit for air tomorrow night (streaming live at 10 on wmpg), designing a sleeve for both versions -- the full length, including Dan's demo of the Sonic Fabric at the end, is about 48:00 and has 33 tracks.

At the top is a piece of the cover art I created in Photoshop CS3 -- the highly literal "Osama on the Half-Shell."

I made some copies -- gave one to Lucy, one to Danno. Neither have said a word. But then I gave copies to Dan Bernard too, as of today he still hasn't listened to it! There are plenty of other people I've got to make copies for.

Anyway, even if he hasn't listened to it yet, Dan did record a promo tag for me -- because I couldn't fit the whole "Osama in Canada" prologue with the interviews, I used them for the promo which wmpg is running up through Friday. Here's the spot.

And now I have to tackle "Transistorized Feedback," the Friday show. This one is unfortunately the great lost mix -- Darren was recording the show into his 8-channel software, but before he could close the file, his computer crashed and he lost it. So I've got my Flash recorder board mix, which just isn't a very good mix. Two-channel but hardly stereo. And as I've already moaned, all of the sfx and music tracks TOO LOUD.

Still, I've got to be able to resurrect some of the performance -- it was pretty wild. But "Dramatic Hospital" is pretty much unusable. I'm intending to make a 30-minute show out of it, even if I cut it in half there were a couple of numbers from the Osama show I couldn't fit, so I can include them here -- I'm sure I'll make it work.

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